Friday, April 17, 2009


With the post below me, as you can see i have my hands pretty full, well not really, been a dad for 3 days, the lil bugger eats, and sleeps, and poops, and rinse and repeat, i'll try to get on xi when i have the time, but atm just enjoying my time being a daddy <3

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Landon Maddox Wilson

is finally here, 9 pounds 13 ounces.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

i get new pants

ello askar dirs and ayd is pimp 4 making my banner


no bebe yet, but good news is she can go at netime now, so just a matter of time, n ffxi news, hmm havent done much, got a dyna bubi win due to fhg kicking ass, its been so much fun playing with you guys for so long. we got nyzle isle coming down to the wire, every is almost done with thier gear, tanos the lootwhore got askar pants sunday. yay crappy lots. but other than that i havent been on ffxi much, busy spendiing time with the wife and prepping for the new family addition, see ya n vana

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

there vagu, u r not alone, rl pics on blogger ftw

Friday, March 13, 2009


needs moaor post, well hello, i need 2 get on the posting more, my progres on cop tended 2 get a little better, went from 2-3 2 5-1, thanks FHG.

Also i need 2 get on this adding pictures thing 2 the blog, like the rest of the siren blog ring does, ayd is going 2 be making me a very cool heading, w00t.

Also I know half the time im never online anymore, thats due 2 work, im not on till 1am est normally, well that may diminish even les play time now, cuz from now till april 17th Sav can pop out our 1st son at ne moment, i'll try 2 keep logging on for nyzul and maybe an einjenhar(sp) because of the 30 minute time limit when my son is bored, but other than that i'll see how it goes, people say having a newborn isnt that bad or hard 2 take care of, we'll see and i'll keep ya post.

36 days until she pops, everyone says it will be more, alot says it'll be less, but the timer is now on.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


In 2 days, 23 on the 24th ^^


After being tired of being stuck on cop 2-3 i decided id do something bout it. rah rah bst solo goes, got it down to 50% before he doomed me pet. will try again later when 2hr is up, atm bedtime.

n other news, nyzul isle has been great, my static mates kickass and make me 3/5 askar and 2/2 ws owner. Goo Goo BST and DRK WS ^^.

other than that, u can find me in the tree ^^. Bst'n it up 24/7

Friday, February 6, 2009

Decided to go a new direction here.

Everyone seems to make ffxi post regarding there achievements and random lols, so i'll give it a shot. Well, hmm.. i'll think of something to fill here later (:

Friday, January 30, 2009


Unbreakable.I don't want the model or the actress, I just want mylove unconditionally.

I want a love like my parents, not the fights, just the history.

I want someone who will believe in me, support me likeno other.

Don't want to be a whore around town, I want you as mychilds mother.

I want to come home tired, being greeted by your smiling face.

I want to have somewhere when my world turns dark, I look for your embrace.

Sometimes we let little things snap the chains, of theband that seemed unbreakable.

We search for years to find greater treasures, only torealize that their love was irreplacable.

We let jealousy woe, we let lust conquer, and we let our tempers flare.

We lose interest so fast, it's hard to tell we even care.

We hold fast to our dreams, we clash with our pride.

We've been scorned before, but we must learn to forgive but don't forget.

Take control of our actions, and fail to do stuff that later, we will regret.

I want someone who will stick around for the long run,and jog right along with me.

They'll fuel my cup full of passion, whenever it tends to run empty.

I want to sit outside with her, and push my baby girlon her swingset.

And show her that the better side to life, hasn't evenbegun to peak yet.

Take the time to show her, after the hell there are better things.

God has made it so that we soar, you are the windbeneath my wings.

You never really know what you have to it's gone, so we won't let it get that far.

Love is about commitment, searching and finding who we truly are.

About having someone to share your tough times with,to laugh when you're happy, cry when in pain.

Everlasting love is about surviving a earthquake, not about breaking up after rain.